Perfect Stranger
Imdb rating: 5.4/10
My rating: 6/10
Can be downloaded from:
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( All credits to axxo)
Perfect Stranger stars Halle Berry as investigative reporter Rowena Price, who along with her friend Miles Haley ( Giovani Ribisi ) work at the New York Enquirer. The film starts off with Rowena Price working on an expose of a government senator which gets quashed, and she resigns from her post in protest. On her way home she meets her childhood friend Grace Clayton, who asks her too do a similar peice on Harrison Hill ( Bruce Willis ) a wealthy advertising executive.
Some days later, Grace`s mom calls Rowena and we find out that she is missing. Rowena starts the search in the city mourges and finds Grace`s brutalised body...after which she decides to go after Hill as her next big scoop. Enlisting the help of Miles, she goes undercover as temp, and tries to get in close to Hill. In this backdrop the story continues, eventually in the end revealing who actually murdered Grace.
Over at Imdb, this movie is being berated as being complete trash, which is why I am now seeing it nearly a year after I had first bought its DVD. However in my own opinion, its not so bad. Writing is sloppy at certain junctures as is the direction. On the acting front Halley Berry is given way too much screen time, while the supposed antagonist Bruce Willis is wasted. His character, Harrison Hill should have been more interwined in the story to keep the flow a little better. Plus, there are a whole bunch of times in the movie you are forced to laugh at the stupidity of the characters on screen...small mistakes that spoil the movie and could have easily been done away with had the writing been a little better.
Having said that, I did find this movie watchable and as i said before, it is not all that bad as its made out to be. Its no usual suspects, but then again how many movies are in conclusion, not a must watch..but rather a "can watch" film in my opinion