Imdb rating 7/10
My rating 7/10
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Gripping drama with depth and integrity, 3 September 2008
Author: livingjoy( from
I really loved this film and I wasn't expecting to! I usually go to the cinema to watch romantic comedies, however I went as my friend had been an investor on the film and had been raving about it for months.
From the start I was drawn in. I found myself really involved in the characters lives and I really cared what happened to them. With each twist and turn of the plot I became more and more involved.
There were violent moments, which are to be expected with a movie about bouncers, however I felt that they were well done. They were very realistic and really added to the intensity of the plot.
All that I can say is that it is wonderful to see British cinema shining again. This is the type of film that the UK should be making - as it is what it is so good at. A film with a strong plot, engaging characters and a unique gritty style.
I will certainly recommend this film to others when it is on general release