Monday, January 26, 2009

Bloody Sunday

Bloody Sunday

Imdb Rating: 7.8/10

My rating: Same as above

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Paul Greengrass ( Director of the Bourne series )brings us a harrowing dramatisation of the events that unfolded on Sunday, the 30th of January 1972 in Derry, Ireland. Set against the backdrop of IRA vs British Army violence, Bloody Sunday is an epic tale of how human beings become savage animals by total disdain for life.

James Nesbitt, plays Ivan Cooper MP for the Derry area, and leader of the Irish Civil Rights movement under whos supervision a peacefull demonstration is protest against illegal internment of suspected terrorists. The film starts off with both Cooper and Major General Ford ( Tim-Piggot Smith ) holding press conferences. While Cooper vociferously states the march will go on, Ford does what all millitary men in his position do, and disallows the march... claiming that the current security situation doesnot merit such a large congregation of people.

There on, the film follows Cooper as he tries to persuade people to join the march, also trying to dissuade the IRA from disrupting it. Ford and his accomplasis , meanwhile are trying to contain the march, while frustrated slodiers are shown talking in disgust at what there colleagues have had to suffer at the hands of the Irish terrorists. In this the film continues to its tragic ending.

The British Army shoots and kills 13 protestors upon which Cooper says these memorable words:

" I just want to say this to the British Government... You know what you've just done, don't you? You've destroyed the civil rights movement, and you've given the IRA the biggest victory it will ever have. All over this city tonight, young men... boys will be joining the IRA, and you will reap a whirlwind. "

And true enough, IRA had a surge in membership and popularity after these events and the British Government reaps a "whirlwind" in the years too come.

The best part about this film was the fact that Greengrass has tried to show the action in real time. As a result the viewer feels that they too are witness to every event, whether its Cooper handing out pamphlets of the march or when bullets start flying near the end of the film, and the bodies start falling. This is thus, what makes this film special. Also, if u look at the BBC footage
from that time, Greengrass has made quite an accurate replica in his film.

Thus a true classic has been made, and this by no means is anything less than an extra ordinary "must watch" peace of matinee. It thus gets a well deserved 8/10 from me :-)

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