Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Disturbia (2007) BRRip 350Mb

Not very original but better than most of the teen horror/thrillers recently, 20 April 2007
Author: Darwinskid from United States

Disturbia may seem like a send up of Rear Window, Fright Night, and a few others(that I forget at the moment) but if you can ignore that for once and see it with an open mind you'll enjoy it(can't guarantee that because we all have different tastes). But all in all Disturbia succeeds, the acting is alright, and good at some moments. The story isn't like-lets all do it and get killed instantly by Mr. killer! It actually thinks before it leaps. It's not all about the gore or blood factor, it actually has some soul into it, though not a lot. It has a few funny scenes and couple of thrilling moments.

Disturbia is a good send up of classic thrillers and some B movies. Props to D.J.(The director), the cast, and Mr. Spielberg for giving us something that isn't entirely predictable like most of the teen horror/thrillers are today.

So again, see it with an open mind, forget everything else. But if you hate it, you hate it.

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